Ticketing and metroCARD

You do not need a validated ticket for travel from the Entertainment Centre or anywhere within the City Mile (South Terrace, Botanic Gardens, Festival Plaza). You can also travel Jetty Road, Glenelg between the Brighton Road and Mosely Square tram stops for free. See Free City Services.
Yes, a ticket vending machine is located on each tram. You can buy single use tickets or top up your metroCARD and pay by cash or credit card. You can also use your credit card or enabled mobile device to use the marked tap-and-pay validators.
Yes. Validators are located throughout the vehicle.
Fares are the same for all Adelaide Metro services – see metroCard and Cash Fares
If your child is 5 or under and not attending school, they travel free. Otherwise a student ticket must be purchased.
Yes, all fares, discounts and concessions that apply on Adelaide Metro buses and trains will apply to travel on trams. However, if paying by tap-and-pay, you can only currently transfer to another tram.
MetroCARDs can be used for travel on the tram. Customers will be able to validate on board.
You can purchase paper tickets from the Ticket Vending Machine on board. You can purchase a
  • single ride – adult and/or concession ticket, or
  • daily - adult and/or concession ticket.
You can find out if you're eligible for a concession ticket by visiting the Concessions information page.
Yes. You can purchase tickets or top up your metroCARD using cash or payWave.
No. You cannot purchase a metroCARD at a Ticket Vending Machine. You can only buy metroCARDs at Agents or online. Find a retailer or facility.
Yes, you can add value to your metroCARD. The electronic ticket vending machine accepts cash and payWave transactions. The ticketing machine has easy to follow instructions on how to top up your metroCARD. For further information on purchasing and using your metroCARD, see Adelaide metroCARD.
You can check your metroCARD balance at any Ticket Vending Machine. You can also check your balance at any onboard validator.
Unless you are travelling within the free zone you must validate your metroCARD or ticket whenever you board an Adelaide Metro service. A ticket is valid on any service for 2 hours.
There will be Customer Service Officers travelling on the network happy to assist, although they won’t be at every stop or on board every tram. Each Ticket Vending Machine has instructions on how to use.
Customer Service Officers are authorised to check tickets and inform the Department for Infrastructure and Transport (DIT) of fare evasion or incorrect use of ticketing concessions.
Customer Service Officers are authorised to check tickets and inform the Department for Infrastructure and Transport (DIT) of fare evasion or incorrect use of ticketing concessions.
You will receive a prompt on the validator confirming your tap on has been successful.

On board the tram

No. Bikes are not permitted on trams unless it is a folding bike enclosed in a bag less than 90cm x 60cm x 40cm. See Adelaide Metro for more information about bikes.
Yes as long as it is less than 125cm long x 74cm wide x 150cm high. All trams have access ramps and there are marked on-board spaces with a restraint on every tram. Customer Service Officers (when available) and Drivers are available to assist. For more information, see Access and disability.
Yes. At the stop keep your pram behind the yellow line. Always apply the brakes and restrain your child in the pram. Ensure you enter and exit the tram first, dragging the pram in reverse after you, being mindful of the gap.
No. For the comfort and safety of all passengers there is no food or drink to be consumed on the tram unless in the case of a medical requirement.
Accredited assistance animals are able to travel on the tram and prescribed accreditation identification for the animal must be carried at all times and presented to Customer Service Officers on request. See Access and disability.
Yes, these seats are a different colour to the majority of other seats on board (generally red) and passengers must vacate for priority users.
Yes, each tram has ergonomically designed handrails that are designed for stability assistance.
No. Only accredited assistance animals are allowed on board.

Catching the tram

There are electronic passenger information display boards on every tram. There are also pre-recorded announcements on board the tram advising the next stop as it approaches.
Always remain behind the marked white line. Do not move forward until the tram has stopped.
Each door has a yellow button. Wait for the button to flash ''green" then press the button to open the door. The door will close automatically.
No. Certain stops need to be selected. Listen for driver announcements.
Yes, there is an emergency help button to communicate with the operator on board every tram located near the doors.

Lost property

All items found on trams or at platforms, or handed to our staff, are sent to the Glengowrie Depot. You can enquire about lost property via Adelaide Metro.
Once your lost property has been identified as found, you will be notified by Adelaide Metro or Torrens Connect. Details of where and when to collect lost property will be provided.

More FAQs

Answers to more frequently asked questions can be found at Adelaide Metro.